You’re Somebody’s Type: Give the Gift of Life

N. DeNicola

“1 pint can save 3 lives.” Red Cross says, “Give blood. Give Life.”

On Thursday, December 20, 2018, Smithtown East’s Leadership Class teamed up with New York Blood Center to hold the annual winter blood drive. Students who met the general health and age requirements for blood donation were encouraged to donate between 8 A.M. and 12:30 P.M. in the Old Gym.


Though these regulations ruled out more than half the student body, 55 students and a number of parents and faculty were able to donate.


During this year’s blood drive, there were multiple types of blood donation— homologous donation, the most standard type, which involves the taking of the whole blood content, and apheresis, which is plasma donation, according to the New York Blood Center. Donation was based on participant’s blood and body types, gender, and weight.


Overall, East’s annual blood drive was a success, according to the students in charge, and Leadership plans to hold at least one more drive during the remainder of the year. “Being that we were able to give approximately 160 people the gift of life, the blood drive was a great day. We were really happy to have this much involvement,” said junior blood drive chairman, AJ Tarquinio.


For more information on future opportunities and ways to donate blood, call 1-800-933-BLOOD (2566) or visit Smithtown East specific questions can be directed to Leadership’s blood drive committee, who can be found in room 332 during 8th period.


Photo Credit: Nina DeNicola