Woodlawn Lot VS. Visitor’s Lot: Interview
Alexandra Guerriere
S. McCleery
Parks in: Woodlawn
Prefers: Woodlawn
“There is more space to get out in Woodlawn, and you are less likely to be hit by another car. The buses make it difficult to get out of Visitor’s. I also think people over exaggerate the walk to the Woodlawn lot. I have done it numerous times in the winter, and it is not difficult. It is also very stressful walking through Visitor’s with so many people.”
Ceili Williams
L. Williams
Parks in: Woodlawn
Prefers: Visitor’s
“ I feel like it’s a shorter walk to Visitor’s, and in the winter it won’t be freezing cold. Woodlawn is not terrible, but it’s further and when I have to pull out of the lot, it takes like five minutes because there are a million cars coming down the road.”
Katelyn McGuigan
S. McCleery
Parks in: Visitor’s
Prefers: Visitor’s
“Personally, because I play sports, I think it’s very helpful because the locker room is closer to Visitor’s, and I’m able to get all my stuff out of the car before practice and games. Woodlawn seems further even if technically it isn’t. Also, where I live it is easier to drive to Visitor’s rather than circling the whole school to get to Woodlawn.”
Victoria Blackton
S. McCleery
Parks in: Visitor’s
Prefers: Visitor’s
“I like Visitor’s because it’s close to the door I use to get to my locker in the morning. It’s closer to my house and takes less time to get there. I don’t like Woodlawn because there are extra traffic lights to go through and if I’m running late. I would never make it to school on time. Although I like Visitor’s better, I don’t like how we can only park in the third tier, it’s annoying. Also, parents give us nasty lookswhen we are pulling out because they want to get in.”
Lexi Tellerman
S. McCleery
Parks in: Visitor’s
Prefers: Visitor’s
“Visitor’s is more convenient to get from Nesconset and I can get up later in the morning because it’s closer. Woodlawn is too far and takes longer. I don’t like how it takes forever to leave in the Visitor’s lot because there are too many parents driving. I think the parents need their own entrance.”